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The Rite!

The Rite is a fuzz pedal inspired by amp distortion Mosrite des 70’s, revue et adaptée pour recevoir des transistors au germanium.

Chaotic and versatile, it can be tamed with a cranked amp! The opposite of a transparent overdrive, it is made to move heaven and earth.

Les transistors sont des germaniums soviétiques des 80’s, plus stables face aux variations thermiques que leurs cousins des 70’s.

A fuzz without compromise!


  • Two matched Soviet germanium transistors, the best in their class, sound perfectly and show an increased stability against temperature variation
  • A tone switch, a modern mode with more bassy and fat, and a vintage mode with more treble
  • Controls: Volume, Depth (modifies the fuzz), Tone (bias of transistor Q2, acts on the character of the sound)
  • Works with standard power supply (9v dc, minus in the center)
Mosrite sound in a germanium fuzz!